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Raluca Besliu
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Latest Articles and Some from the Archive
Microchip supply chains: The key to the EU's AI competitiveness? - The Parliament Magazine
From Peace Promoter to Power Player: The EU’s Strategic Turn to Militarisation - Green European Journal
Europe’s seeds are being privatised by patents - and it could threaten food security - Euronews
EU uses pollution tax funds to back Romanian gas pipeline - Climate Home News
EU-Iran: A Crucial Dialogue - Green European Journal
How the EU is challenging Porsche’s expansion plans in Italy- EUobserver
A race against time and fraud -Eurozine
Unravelling the thread: how illicit Ghanaian fish finds its way to Europe -Voxeurop
Romania's joint electoral list: Strategic move or threat to democracy? - The Parliament Magazine
Bulgaria & Romania's plans for two new Danube hydropower plants raise environmental, nuclear fears - Euronews
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